We are SANDS
We are a full-service commercial law firm with offices in Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen, Stavanger, Ålesund, Tromsø and Tønsberg. Our 140 lawyers work seamlessly across offices, giving our clients both a local point of contact and full access to the firm's overall expertise and experience.

Our firm
In SANDS, we emphasise building teams. Teams that consist of individuals who complement each other, both professionally and socially. Every person is important, and the pieces must fit together. We want a company with employees who are passionate about the legal profession, about working together and about working with clients.
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Our Board of Directors and Executive Management
SANDS is a DA company owned by the partners. The company is managed on a daily basis by Thomas Sando, who is managing partner. Thomas works closely with an active board consisting of partners and two employee representatives. The board is chaired by Marit E. Kirkhusmo.
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Counselling and cooperation – this is how we work
The relationship between client and lawyer should be close and confidential. The personal chemistry must be right, and it should be easy to make a phone call. We deliver quality advice and a strategic discussion partner who is always by your side. We stand with you in thick and thin in a secure and professional setting.
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SANDS’ digital services
Innovation in technology opens up completely new solutions to problems we have not been able to solve before. It can streamline existing tasks that free up time to create more value for our clients. Technology increases the quality of the work we do and the services we offer. At SANDS, we want to take advantage of new technological opportunities in a smart manner. This means that we are curious about new technology and have a low threshold for testing new technological innovations with the goal that the technology will increase the value for our clients.
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Compliance with the Norwegian Transparency Act
For SANDS, it is important to contribute to sustainable development and take a clear social responsibility by having respect for basic human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and the provision of services. Below you can read more about what SANDS is doing to contribute to this work.
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Corporate Social responsibility
Social responsibility is an integral component of our firm. A primary objective for lawyers is to promote justice and to hinder injustice, thereby contributing to a well-functioning legal system. Being a prominent member of society, it is to be expected that we also engage ourselves in matters outside our own profession. Accepting social responsibility does not just involve meeting expectations in the marketplace; it also requires us, as a firm, to commit ourselves to the aim of responsible business operations, anchored in The United Nation’s sustainability goals.
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SANDS wants to have a close and open relationship with the press. Our lawyers are often used as experts when legal issues are covered by the media. Our marketing and communications director is happy to help you find the right lawyer to answer your questions. High-resolution portrait photos can be easily downloaded from the relevant lawyer's CV. We also have other press photos that can be sent on request.
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Our history - this is how it started
The SANDS law firm was conceived over a cold pizza in a corridor at the Storting (the Norwegian parliament) at exactly the same moment the Conservative Wave in Norwegian politics ebbed away. Member of Parliament Morten Steenstrup started SANDS with a solitary associate, and his wife as the marketing department. “It is difficult to believe how far we were able to come with a brochure and a little elementary service,” notes Steenstrup.
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