Our Board of Directors and Executive Management
SANDS is a DA company owned by the partners. The company is managed on a daily basis by Thomas Sando, who is managing partner. Thomas works closely with an active board consisting of partners and two employee representatives. The board is chaired by Marit E. Kirkhusmo.
Board of Directors
Marit E. Kirkhusmo (Chairwoman of the Board)
Terje Bjørndahl
Lars Tormodsgard
Kenneth Steffensen
Espen Furuholt
Andreas Weie Berg (Employee Representative)
Kristin Elisabeth Gjersøe (Employee Representative)
Executive Management:
Thomas Sando, Managing partner
Andreas Høyland-Jung, Chief Operating Officer
Philip Harreschou, CFO
Vibeke Oretorp, Marketing and Communication Director
Cato Haukeland, Chief Digital Officer
Hege Gaaseide, HR-Director