Corporate Social responsibility
Social responsibility is an integral component of our firm. A primary objective for lawyers is to promote justice and to hinder injustice, thereby contributing to a well-functioning legal system. Being a prominent member of society, it is to be expected that we also engage ourselves in matters outside our own profession. Accepting social responsibility does not just involve meeting expectations in the marketplace; it also requires us, as a firm, to commit ourselves to the aim of responsible business operations, anchored in The United Nation’s sustainability goals.

Why is corporate social responsibility important to us?
The answer to this question is simple; we believe that we must all contribute if we are to build a better society and a better world. The UN’s sustainability goals can’t be solved on a macro level and the responsibility can’t be offloaded on everybody else. We all need to contribute and in SANDS we do this because we are passionate about it. Our firm has a history characterised by partners and employees with a strong desire to engage in, and contribute to society. We continue this commitment in many ways.
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We will be honest and accountable
Accepting a social responsibility is not about buying ourselves a better reputation; it is about our culture and our desire to contribute. We will be very careful not to practice greenwashing to appear better than we are. We do a lot, but we know we have a long way to go. We will communicate transparently about the work we do. Indeed, we have committed ourselves to this by signing the «Guide against greenwashing».
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Diversity and gender balance
We know that our industry poorly reflects our diverse society. There is not enough diversity of gender, cultural background, and ethnicity in business; a lot of work needs doing, also by us. It is not about special treatment or quotas; our expectations will not be lowered. We shall continue to recruit lawyers and other staff based on their skills, commercial aptitude, and personality. However, a broader base of applicants will give us a greater number of qualified candidates.
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The environment
Climate change and environmental pollution are among the most acute crises of our time, and we know action is urgently needed to reverse the trend. As a law firm, SANDS work daily with environmental issues, and we have given high priority to having specialists on environmental law. We also take active steps to reduce our environmental footprint in our daily operations.
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